
How Smart Grids Are Overhauling China’s Power Grid and Infrastructure

In 2010, along with the Chinese government’s plans, the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) and China Southern Power Grid Company (CSG) began the first of three phases for implementing smart grids in China.  The SGCC first began by planning and executing smart grid framing technology standards, technology development, equipment development and pilot project implementation. …

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World’s First “Self-Healing” Lithium-Ion Battery Creates Endless Possibilities for Manufacturers

Earlier this month, researchers from Stanford University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory discovered a way to repair polymer connections in Lithium-Ion batteries adding carbon nanoparticles to a flexible electronic skin, effectively creating the world’s first “self-healing” battery. A Lithium-Ion Battery is a rechargeable battery containing lithium ions that move from the…

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How Future Trends are Shaping Digital Marketing Software

Digital marketing software has revolutionized the marketing world.  This software provides crucial information for digital marketing functions such as sales customer relationship management (CRM), e-commerce, e-mail, web content management, web analytics and social media trends. All these software tools collectively help an organization to develop and implement effective marketing strategies. These tools are developed to…

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Top 8 Smartwatch Manufacturers

Smartwatches, one of the most popular items in wearable technologu, are computerized watches designed with enhanced functionalities such as making calls, messaging, and browsing the internet. Like smartphones, smartwatches also use an operating system such as Android, which supports multi-tasking functionalities to enable multiple applications to be run simultaneously. In the last couple of years, the Global…

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Digital Content Market

What is VDI and is it Worth the Investment?

In recent weeks, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) has sparked some media controversy over whether VDI solutions are still worth investment.  One the one side, Forbes’ contributor Ben Kepes writes that it is “last year’s solution to last decade’s problem”. On the other hand, Tommy Hwang, CIO of the Merit Systems Protection Board said in a…

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Digital Content Market

Your Mobile Device isn’t as Safe from Security Threats as You Think

In a 2012 report released by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, 79% of mobile software threats targeted Android users.  In response to these statistics, Samsung recently announced that new products using Google’s Android operating system (OS) will be equipped with antivirus software, courtesy of Lookout Inc in conjunction with “Knox” antivirus software…

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What New TRU Technology Means for Trucking

If there’s one thing new transport refrigeration unit (TRU) technology reveals, it’s that the trucking industry continues to go green. For several years, the trucking world has been moving increasingly towards better efficiency and lower emissions, inspired in no small part by required federal regulations. Today, those developments are in the form of new products…

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Digital Content Market

Top 12 3D Scanner Manufacturers

3D scanning is a process where lasers or structured light are used to capture the digital information relating to the shape of an object by converting physical objects into digital models. A 3D scanner is a device that helps analyze a real-world object and its environment to collect data about its shape, color and appearance….

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