The Smart Grid Generation

With service revenues expected to reach US$11.2 billion annually by 2023, it’s pretty clear that traditional utilities are out, and smart grids are in.  The technology is evolving, government support is increasing and demand for better energy management globally is making the whole thing possible. In fact, smart grids are one of the topics up for…

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Smart Grid Technology Utility Providers Beef Up Cyber Security in Wake of New Cyber Threats

Smart grids help distribute energy in a sustainable way. As our energy demand far outstrips supply, these grids are poised to become hugely important to both cost and energy savings over the coming years. But like any advanced technology, smart grids are subject to cyber threats and the power utilities sector is now seeking to moderate unauthorized access…

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Infrastructure Investment Fuelling the Switchgear Market in India

Infrastructure development in India is booming, with highways, rail projects and alternative energy initiatives—all aimed at modernizing the country’s infrastructure— forging ahead at an impressive rate. Investment in infrastructure projects accounted for US$436 billion in the 11th five-year plan (2007-2012). According to the 12th five-year plan (2012-2017), the Planning Commission has estimated a total investment…

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Top 18 Smart Grid Cyber Security Companies

The Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market is a highly fragmented one with various vendors providing services to power utilities. Some major vendors within the IT Security division, such as Symantec and IOActive, provide specialized and highly sophisticated security products. Also, the market is characterized by the presence of diversified international, regional, and local vendors….

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