Digital Content Market

Emerging Microgrid Technologies Help Global Energy Storage Evolve

The ever growing need for energy security and reliable power supply has figured The Global Energy Storage Market for Microgrids as an equitable solution. Energy storage systems are providing unique and ancillary, customer energy management services, to an evolving grid.           Globally, deployments of microgrid projects have increased in the recent past. This is because of…

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Server Virtualization: Who’s Who and How Can It Benefit You?

In basic terms, server virtualization refers to running multiple operating systems on a single server. All virtual servers acts as an individual server, which increases the performance of the overall infrastructure. Processing power is pooled and allocated to the various computing services, and computing resources are replicated and distributed during application execution. Virtualization comes with…

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Info Systems Helping More Passengers Keep Track of Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Every traveler has, at one point in their voyages, known the pain and abject frustration of unexplained delays. Lack of communication between transport operators—be they airlines, commuter trains, or buses—and passengers are a huge source of needless headaches for everyone involved. Luckily, passenger information systems (PIS) are becoming more and more prevalent among transport service…

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Digital Content Market

Which Influenza Vaccines Are the WHO Recommending for this Flu Season?

Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends candidate vaccine viruses for vaccine development and production in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. This is based on surveillance data from the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), surveillance information collected by national influeza centers, virus characterization data sourced by collaborating centers and essential regulatory labs, and…

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Digital Content Market

Is Your Electricity Bill Through the Roof? HEMS to the Rescue!

By 2030, estimates suggest that the global demand for energy will rise by about 75 percent, and therefore it has become imperative to reduce energy consumption. Residential buildings play a big role in the consumption of energy, consuming nearly 14 percent of the total energy consumed across the globe. If that’s not bad enough, this increase in consumption has caused electricity…

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Digital Content Market

Spice Up Your Life

Salt and pepper are so passé. Fall is the time for aromatic, warming spices and seasonings. Not only can herbs and spices elevate most dishes from tepid to tantalizing, they also contain a surprising slew of health benefits. While salt still dominates the Global Spices and Seasonings Market,  consumers are catching on to the health…

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