As Infant Mortality Rates Rise, Fetal and Neonatal Care Equipment Sales Boom

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The 21st century’s increase in advanced maternal age, induced fertility, labor treatments, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and poor eating habits has given rise to a huge boom in the number of newborn infants born with various diseases. Resulting, prenatal care, balanced nutrition, and appropriate medical attention are more imperative than ever for a healthy pregnancy and birth. Fetal and neonatal care equipment are vital tools to reaching these aims, and are being used with increasing frequency for the prevention and evaluation of diseases in and the prenatal and postnatal care of newborn infants.

For this reason, the Global Fetal and Neonatal Care Equipment market is expected to witness a rapid growth during the 2012-2016 at a CAGR of 6.85 percent during the forecast period. Below, is an outline of the broad spectrum of the products that make up the market.

As one would expect due to the modern first class healthcare of the region, The Americas have dominated each sector of this market through to 2013, followed by the developed areas in the EMEA and APAC regions. Despite the Americas’ current front running position however, the markets in Europe and Asia are forecasted to grow at higher rates during the next four years thanks to opportunities for fetal and neonatal care equipment vendors to expand in countries such as Russia, Japan, India, and China, as well as the continent of Africa.

An indicator of the market’s potential to grow in these regions is the fact that 85 percent of preterm births occur in Africa and in APAC countries. A large majority of these births will require some sort of specialized care, and of course fetal and neonatal care equipment.

This is not to say however that the all-but-mature market in The Americas won’t see any market growth in the near future. The replacement of old fetal and neonatal device and sales of accessories ensures that vendors will thrive in the region, though with dramatic growth rates. And what’s more, you can bet that the release of a range of new-gen products like Fanem’s Koala Crib and Precision Dynamics Duraprint TenderCare will have a hugely positive impact on the market all across the globe.

All things considered, we at TechNavio are more than confident in asserting that the Global Fetal and Neonatal Care Equipment market isn’t going anywhere but up.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on the Global Fetal and Neonatal Care Equipment market.