5 Global Messaging Platform Market Trends Attracting Enterprises


Recently, heavy market hitters like IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have made significant upgrades to their enterprise messaging platforms, which has led to a number of enterprises to adopt messaging platform technology. The increased attention from enterprises is a huge reason why the Global Messaging Platform Market is expected to post a CAGR of 8.58 percent for the 2014-2018 period.

TechNavio analysts have identified five key trends propelling enterprises to invest in a messaging platform:

  1. Increasing Adoption of Enterprise Social Tools

Over the last decade, many organizations have increased the amount of data being generated in their data warehouses. Social media applications can be seen as a new trend that could best describe the large amount of unstructured data generated in enterprise data warehouses. Various business units across organizations are subscribing to social applications and platforms without any company-wide approach.

In order to solve this, organizations have started to explore policies and solutions that enable the consistent usage of social tools across the organization. Although the majority of organizations are currently using enterprise social tools for internal purposes such as training, recruiting, and internal collaboration, future adoption plans will be more focused towards the usage of social tools for communicating with and gaining feedback from customers and consumers.

  1. Growing Demand for Real-time Solutions

With the rapid expansion in enterprise operations, the workforce of a company may be based in different geographical locations. This in turn may result in large time differences between the various branches of a global organization and employees working in different time zones. This increases the need for continuity because, at the overall level, work is carried out on a 24/7 basis.

Being aware of this need, end-users are adopting email archiving solutions that are a perfect blend of security, storage, and continuity. Hence, major vendors are providing solutions that help organizations access emails on a real-time basis, thereby bridging the time gap in different locations and meeting the continuity needs of end-users.

  1. Green IT Initiatives of Enterprises

Many organizations are adopting green IT initiatives to reduce their carbon footprints to contribute to environmental safety. This in turn is a contributing factor for the increasing use of messaging platforms. Messaging platforms provide an IP-based communication system that requires less hardware. The servers used are small and therefore require less power; they also do not require additional power supplies or cooling fans.

Hence, this is a significant energy-saving initiative for organizations, which helps them save overall costs while reducing carbon footprints. This is mainly because messaging platforms reduce the need for employees to travel from their workplace, reducing carbon emissions from vehicles.

  1. Increased Demand for Virtualization 

Virtualization helps to enhance the growth of the market for various reasons. It enables an organization to achieve greater performance capability with lesser deployment of resources. Many messaging vendors support virtualization of their platforms, which in turn allows service providers to achieve better hardware utilization, more efficient administration, and better economies of scale. This in turn is expected to auger well for the growth of the market during the forecast period.

  1. Increased Adoption of Cloud-based Solutions

The increasing need for cost savings among enterprises has prompted them to use cloud-based messaging platform solutions. Cloud-based solutions are being increasingly preferred over on-premises messaging platform solutions because they are cost-effective and can be accessed without time or location constraints. Budgetary constraints are forcing companies to adopt cost-effective cloud-based messaging platform solutions, which have advantages such as ease of installation, lower total cost of ownership, and ease of accessibility. This will encourage cost-sensitive customers such as SMEs to adopt cloud-based messaging platform solutions, which will in turn support market growth.

For more information, view our 2014-2018 Global Messaging Platform Market report.

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