Three Challenges That US Data Center Vendors Will Face in 2015

We don’t need to tell you that data centers are witnessing an impressive adoption among enterprises and end-users across the US.

With a rapid increase in the digital content being transmitted across enterprise networks, there has been a need for increased computing capacity and storage services from enterprises and end-users. Many high-performance data center facilities are being established across the US to meet the growing computing requirements of enterprises.

This is a big reason why the Data Center Market in the US is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.21 percent during the 2013-2018 period.

However, even with booming demand for data center services, the US market is not immune to a few hurdles that will challenge data center vendors in 2015:

1. Lack of Foresight in Enterprise Business

One of the major challenges being experienced by both enterprises and data center service providers is the lack of clarity on future computing requirements. Enterprises and data center service providers are required to provide the scope for scaling of data center facilities in the future. But many enterprises have yet to specify their needs, leaving a huge gap in knowledge between service providers and end-users.

This is something that is expected to have a negative impact on market growth not just in 2015, but in the entire forecast period. If one thing is for sure, it is that there is a need for efficient planning and execution of designs that can meet the present and future computing requirements of the enterprises.

Enterprises are also delaying the adoption of the various technological developments in enterprise computing equipment as they are looking at adopting tested solutions as a part of data center facilities, which means that available advances in data center technology aren’t being adopted as fast as data center vendors would like.

2. Difficulty in Integrating Enterprise Infrastructure in Data Centers

Enterprises and data center service providers across the US are experiencing a major challenge in the integration of computing facilities into data center facilities. With an increase in the complexity of computing infrastructure, enterprises are finding it difficult to integrate various computing solutions into their data center facilities.

Rapid growth in the digital content in data centers is leading to the procurement of various computing solutions that can cater to the specific computing requirements of the enterprises and end-users.

In addition, there are a number of data center facilities that are being set up by multiple enterprises into a single facility. The data center service providers are finding it difficult to incorporate and integrate the various specific computing requirements into the data center facility. This could hamper the growth of the market if the market vendors do not come up with suitable solutions to resolve this issue.

3. Need for Data Center Management Expertise

The increased complexity of data center facilities and services being provided by the enterprises has led to a need for a high level of data center management expertise that can efficiently manage and maintain the various tasks in the data center facility.

Finding the right data center management expertise is a major challenge being faced by the enterprises and end-users. Efficient integration of various computing requirements and existing computing facilities together to form an end-to-end service channel can be achieved by data centers armed with high levels of technical expertise.

Consequently, the operational expenditure of the enterprises increases substantially. Therefore, the need for high levels of data center management expertise is proving to be a significant challenge for the market vendors.