Storage-as-a-Service Hits Mainstream Thanks to Disaster Recovery and Archiving Services

Enterprises are demanding better storage solutions to manage their huge data volumes. Storage-as-a-Service, also known as STaaS, is fast becoming the preferred model for storage leasing.

Facilitating storage outsourcing, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for STaaS include data migration along with enhanced security features.

As the need for data backup and archiving is gaining worldwide market traction, the Global STaaS Market is growing significantly to post a CAGR of 37.96 percent from 2015-2019.

Commenting on the eminence of STaaS for data storage, TechNavio analysts observe:

Modern enterprises have an inherent need for backing up their data in order to make well-informed business decisions and predict future growth patterns.

In this regard, STaaS is known to improve efficiency while ensuring enhanced disaster recovery. A reduction in subscription costs is another trend that has started to gain traction and thus, the combination of drivers and trends is expected to propel market growth during the forecast period.

Data Recovery is Indispensable

Disaster recovery as a service is fast emerging as an indispensable feature of STaaS.

It is a trend that is gaining increased market traction and will determine the growth of the STaaS market.

STaaS enables fast recovery of enterprise data in case of a disaster at the third-party vendor’s location and, thus, enables continuity in business operations.

Although disasters are rare, the presence of adequate recovery mechanisms is an essential requirement that determines the choice of an STaaS provider.

The Positives of Cloud Archiving With STaaS

Cloud-based data archiving is different from cloud backup. Cloud backups are used to recover important enterprise data during a disaster, whereas archived data is a compressed form of historical data.

Storing archived data in a cloud is more cost-effective compared to storing and maintaining large chunks of non-critical data in an on-premise infrastructure.

It is a must for archived data to be protected from tampering or overwriting and has to be made available for end-users, which is sought during compliance audits.

Cloud archiving services with STaaS are best suited to satisfy these needs with high levels of security and long-term data retention.